Protenus Employee Values Spotlight
Meagan Jenkins, Senior Customer Education Manager

Meagan Jenkins, Senior Customer Education Manager

At Protenus, the values of Build Trust, Be Human, Live (Em)Powered and Onward Together are baked into all that we do. We continuously look for new and rewarding ways to integrate these eight values into our work, for the ultimate benefit of employees, customers, and the company.

For May, we are excited to announce that Meagan Jenkins (or MJ as she is better known), Senior Customer Education Manager, who is a member of the Customer Success team at Protenus has been nominated for the Employee Values Spotlight for embodying our shared company values.

Meagan Jenkins demonstrated the following values in Q2 in her support of PANDAS Live and in all the ways she contributes to the success of our customers, her colleagues, and Protenus as a whole.

MJ was behind the scenes support for PANDAS Live this year but her contributions were critical. Her main charge isn't PANDAS on a day to day basis but she dedicated her all to this year's event. Her contributions included helping us bounce back from the Zoom capacity issue quickly and seamlessly, handling customer communications during the event, and jumping in to manage any manner of issue, which helped those who were on camera to stay focused and trust that MJ would handle all the behind the scenes work.

MJ embodies scaled thinking by taking a shared ownership approach with our 1-to-many programming knowing the impact it makes for our teams and our customers. MJ recently launched a Help Center content initiative which has enabled many people from across the organization to contribute new content or update existing content. We haven't had this much new content in years!

MJ's primary focus in Customer Education has shown promising results in 2024. She is working closely with the Diversion Investigator Series team to build game-changing education content that moves our mission forward. And she's produced several pieces of new end user educational content to keep building our library of training, which helps our customers achieve adoption and value faster.

MJ is an active participant in the Protenus Community Cohort and through this work, she is actively contributing to the culture we all value so deeply.

Q&A with Meagan

What’s your role at Protenus, and what do you do?

I’m the Senior Customer Education Manager here at Protenus, and I lead the strategy and development of all of our customer training initiatives. 

What do Protenus’ values mean to you?

I think the values at Protenus are really special. They’re more than just pretty words and are actually taken to heart by the employees here. To me, our values allow us to show up as our authentic selves, trust one another to do good work, help one another when we are unsure or have made a mistake, and work together towards a shared vision as part of a true team. 

As Protenus celebrates their 10 year anniversary in 2024, what makes you most proud about working at Protenus?

Wow, what a hard question! There are so many things that make me proud to work at Protenus, but I think one of the main ones is seeing the genuine partnerships we form with our customers. It’s so easy for software vendor relationships to feel transactional, but I love seeing how we create space for our customers to collaborate not only with us, but with their colleagues at other organizations as well. 

You are a boomerang employee, what contributed to you returning to Protenus?

It is 100% the culture and the people at Protenus. There is nowhere else I’ve ever worked that has come even remotely close. The fact that I am not the ONLY employee to have left Protenus to pursue another opportunity only to return later on is a testament to how special it is.

As a member of the Community Cohort, can you describe what the Community Cohort is and what your experience has been. 

The Community Cohort is a volunteer group of employees who, over the course of one year, identify ways for Protenus employees to connect, celebrate, and grow and have fun together. It’s been really rewarding to come together with a like-minded group of coworkers who share a passion for contributing to the culture at Protenus.